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Monthly Support Group Meetings - Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Patients with renal disease, as well as their supporters and caretakers are invited to attend. They are encouraged to share  experiences, concerns, questions and feelings with the group. Often there are health and community service professionals in attendance to provide answers to questions, information and resources.

Seminars/Workshops – Twice a year the group will have a seminar or workshop that provides

in-depth education and information on a specific topic related to renal disease. Professionals will lead workshop activities and panel discussions.

Specialized speakers in the field of Diabetes, Dialysis, Transplant
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Sspecialized speakers in the field of Diabetes, Dialysis, Transplant
Group discussions on the effects both pros and cons of dialysis treatments.
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Peer-to-Peer support to help the fearful and cautious new dialysis patients.

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